Main contractor: Ebert Construction
Roofing contractor: C&A Hopkins Roofing
Roofing Profile: Roofing Industries Ribline® 960
Product: Zincalume® substrate, Colorcote® ZR8 paint coating
Colour: Titania
Water Care in Auckland had a problem – The concrete surface on their massive water storage tank had started to deteriorate and needed to be resurfaced. Due to the low pitch, and a requirement that the roof profile needed to be lower than the traditional "heavy look" in order to appease the residential environment. Roofing Industries Ribline® 960 was the answer.
Ribline® 960 offers many benefits over other industrial profiles. Ribline® 960 is a wider than normal profile offering less laps, with less chance of leakage, less fasteners and reduced installation costs. Being manufactured from heavier .55BMT material also assisted with the crane lifting of the extra long 22 metre sheets further reducing any likelihood of visual imperfections.